Saturday, March 4, 2017

A641.8.3.RB - Personal Balance Sheet

               We should keep a personal account of our checks and balances of who we are, our skills, and where we need improvement. It is not possible to be on top all the time, there is always room for improvement. Hagy (2017) stated that you will not find true balance unless you install checks on your time, energy, and other resources. Furthermore, (2017) expressed that we should forget to try to balance everything and instead, focus on installing checks in your system. This includes our assets and liabilities as individuals because we have to know when to give a little and when to take because improvement is always important and needed. 
My Distinctive Strengths 
               One of my top strengths is my strong work ethic and my moral compass to do what is right. I work with a group of individuals who constantly tell me this because I care about how well I do a job, I do not give 50% to anything, and I will always give 100%. However, this is emotionally and mentally draining at times when I feel defeated and I cannot find a solution to a problem. This includes parenting, being a wife, an employee, a coach, and a youth sponsor. My moral compass does not allow me to walk away from anything without giving 100% because I feel it is unfair to others if I do not try to do my best. 
My Potential Strengths
               One potential strength I could do better would be to have more patience with people when they do not do things how I like them done. My patience has been greatly improving since I have become a supervisor and I teach individuals from the basics; I am responsible for their knowledge to do their job. Weller (2017) stated that one way to improve an area of weakness is by focusing on the positive and turn it into a strength. I was given an opportunity to take a strength where I needed improvement and work on it each day. Another potential strength is accepting challenges as a positive improvement versus negative. Weller (2017) explained that to improve a weakness, you have to believe in what you are doing. It is not that I am not capable challenges; I have to remind myself that it is for the best if I am challenged in new ways, this helps build my future as a leader and my perseverance to complete tasks. 
My Enduring Dispositions that Support Me
               One of my enduring abilities is that I persevere through situations regardless of what it takes to complete a task. My boss often tells me my heart and compassion are my driving force to complete tasks but it also is a weakness because I care too much. One statement that pushes me to work hard and get a job done is when a person says, “It is not my problem let someone else deal with it”. The statement drives me to not give up, not stop caring, and I avoid that approach. I get frustrated when people say that because I have been on the receiving end when someone did not want to take the time to fix an error or to complete a task because the clock says 4:59 p.m. My goal to complete tasks is my driving force to succeed because I do not walk away from a job, assignment, or task and leave them incomplete. 
My Weaknesses
               One of my weaknesses is that I become frustrated when things do not go my way or when others do not give 100% to complete a task or something is left unfinished. This is a problem mentally for me that I do not share with others because I have a high standard of work ethic and I realize that not everyone shares the same view I do. I am constantly working on this in my life and I am learning to accept when other’s do not complete a task the way I would like it done, if it is finished, how the process was done is not important. This is one area where I want to strive to do better and learn to accept that I cannot control everything around me and that is okay. 
My Weaknesses I Want to Change
               One weakness I want to change and improve is to not be so hard on myself and accept that mistakes happen and it is not the end of the world. I find myself rethinking and going over a situation when I make a mistake to try harder next time. I need to look at my accomplishments and balance the two. This can be a struggle at work because I over think when I make an error; my boss may just point it out to let me know what I need to correct and walk away, the thought it gone. I, on the other hand, rethink and over analyze what I did wrong and forget all the things I did right. My one error trumps all the things that were correct, this is where I need improvement and self-confidence. Smith (2012) explained that confidence is a key leadership quality; a healthy level of confidence will make you more likely to engage in challenging but manageable projects, will help you get outside your comfort zone, and allow you to achieve new goals, all of which are valued characteristics of successful workers. 
Hagy, J. (2017, February 21). Work-Life Checks And Balances. Retrieved March 1, 2017, from FORBES website: 
Smith, J. (2012, March 6). How To Be More Confident At Work. Retrieved March 2, 2017, from FORBES website:
Weller, E. (2017). Actions for Improving Weaknesses. Retrieved March 1, 2017, from Chron website: 

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